Sunday, April 29, 2007

And the heavens opened...

Wowwwie.... my cats are scared to go outside.... and the scary thing would be.... rain!!! what is that again?!! :)

How lovely is it to lay in bed and hear the pitter-patter of rain on the roof? I grew up living in a house with a colour bond tin roof and nothing tops that sounds, well maybe silence after a full on day with 20x5 year olds is nice as well!

How has the rest of the week gone? Well I had a very heated argument with the parent of the naughty boy from my previous post. I have eaten very yummy food the in past few days, I have made 99% fat free chochie muffins, I made minestrone soup, and we had beautiful Thai food last night, we had satay skewers for an entree, Kane had masman beef curry and I had prawn pad thai, though we do share :) Kanes Mum came to visit and she mad made us a yummy apple pie, so I made golden syrup dumplings as well as some egg custard. So gourmet food all round. Though the surprising thing is... I lost .5kg this week and it is almost TTOM which means I'm getting pimples :(((. Who knows what is going on (hormones I guess)???

I visited the dentist for the 4 time in the past 12 months on Friday. I have a crack in one of my molars under the tooth, so the crack is in the root, so every now and then it hurts. One day I could be munching on an apple - all good, the next day I might soft cooked chicken and I get shooting pain. It all very frustrating. To make it worse everytime it gets to me and I make an appointment to go and get it looked at, its a 'good' day ad not playing up!!!! Huh.. frustrating. I feel like a sook. So now I need to call on the day it hurts and they will fit me in even if it's busy because it is too bloody elusive! Option are to get rid of the filling and put some stuff in to sedate the nerve a bit???!!! and the other option is to take the filling out band it and try to reshape it to take less pressure when I'm eating. I just glad I don't have to have root canal and a crown, which is really expensive and it'd hurt a lot.

I played netball yesterday, we won. I got an elbow to the chin and my lip went numb like at the dentist for about 5 mins, t'was very unsettling. I was really pissed off though, one the new girls to our team just was not listening yesterday and kept doing stoopid passes and kept stuffing up. I was on fire and was reading the play well, so I was trying to dictate play a bit and set up in the goals, but she wasn't listening and kept missing great opportunities for a set up. huhhhhh!!! Was shity afterwards and then Kane lost in the footy. I got in the best which is good considering I was off for 1 and a half quarters. I think I am getting my period and mentioned above.

Alrighty off to cook some rice, I've made curried sausages in the crock pot and it will be nice served with veggies.


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