Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Anzac Day

Hi everyone.
Today was ANZAC day and I went down to the 11.00 service. There were so many people there for the Wodonga service today which was great, I even got a tear in my eyes watching the WW2 diggers walking past. It is great to see more and more attending Anzac services and I hope this trend continues. Thankyou to the Australian army past and present for all that you do for us, and I'm sure they do a lot more than what we are allowed to know :)

OK -
Yesterday was one of the worst days I have ever had with a particular child in my class, I have never been so friggin angry/frustrated with a child before and I was so close to loosing it yesterday. This particular child has been extremely difficult all year and I'll name him X. X did not get to go on our excursion to the park yesterday because he did not bring his permission note back to school, I asked him for his note every day. After the rest of the class and I got back to school from the park, we went out to playground to have a play, another child did a flip on the monkey bars and accidentally got X with his foot. So X punched and kicked the other child and he fell and hit his head. I went a got X and made him have timeout on the seat next to me. After 5 mins I asked all the children to come inside, X cracked it because he did not get to go on the playground (wonder why????) So he latched onto the wooden seats and tried to grab every pole as I dragged him back to the classroom. I asked him to sit on the floor in our room, when he refused a had to take him next door to a buddy time-out room. While in that room he burped in that teachers face and laughed! When she yelled at him over it he did it another 2 times. He tried to destroy her library area and tried to run out of the room 3 times. It took him 35 mins to calm down and apologise to the poor child who he'd assaulted outside in the playground.
After recess we came inside and packed our bags and had show and tell. X started deliberately burping and farting using his mouth and hand and flinging his arms around. I had to pick him up to remove him to the time out spot. He didn't like that, so he started to crawl under a free standing whiteboard on wheels to play with the doll house. I had to pull him back out and he knocked his head and started crying, then the department nurse walked in to talk to the kids and about the hearing test/vision test she'll be doing on Thursday, he started farting with his hand again. I had to hold his hands and then he bit me. I sent a card to the principal for immediate help at this stage. Anyway he ran out of the room not once but three times as people brought him back each time. I had to leave during this to go to the Gyno appointment that got cancelled last week. After school X's sister came up to school to complain because X did not get to go on the excursion and she couldn't understand that it is X's responsibility to give the teacher the note. Apparently it was in his bag all along, but I am not allowed to go through students bags. This sister could not understand that I didn't get the note out of his bag for him because "he is only little." That one statement alone tells me why this 5 year old child behaves the way he does. He is the only male child in a single mother Chinese family and he is spoilt/babied!
I was furious last night, I couldn't sleep and I don't know what I am going to do with him tomorrow.

Luckily I don't have to have another operation to get my endometriosis burnt off.
So today I have been thoroughly binge eating to make myself feel better, I know this doesn't work but I still did it. I am off to netball training soon and I think I'll feel shit running around with so much rich crap in my belly.

I was bored this arvo (hence eating crap) and I took some photos of myself. I'll try and post these as well.

Bye everyone, This is my vent for the day.


Kristy said...

I'd love to go to an ANZAC Day service as never have been. Will try and go next year.

Great job on handling such a spoilt brat. I sure wouldn't have the patience!

Love the photos Kelly.

Pip said...

Hey Kelly,

Just reading your updates. My oh my, - you've had a tough time of it recently! I admire your positive attitude so much and fingers crossed, - you will feel much better soon and things will go well! You look great in your pics though!

What a spoilt brat of a child! You handled it amazingly! Don't think I could have! To not have the sis's or mother's support would have sure angered me!

YAY for Chris on TBL! He has seemingly little positive press but has just working hard, - they all did but considering the other's portrayed attitudes to Chris he seemed to think, 'I'll show you'! And he is reasonably all right too! I think he is naturally lean, but will probably try hard to build some muscle now. Michael from TBL = TOTAL HOTTIE!