Saturday, July 08, 2006

Feeling the week...

Hello everyone it's been a couple of days and I have been flat out. Had netball training on Thursday night ran a few laps, but it was mostly court practice which is good because we need to work 'better' as a team and that means playing together and court time. On Friday I went to the gym to get a run down of all the equipment Sue wants me to use for the interim program. I went through one set of each exercise... was shaking with the tricep extension move. I was glad I didn't do too much more at the gym because I am sore!!! Very sore! I woke up this morning and my chest and shoulders were still shaking when tensed thus making running today at netball quite tender, each step and my boobs wobbled!! ;)

We won netball by 25 goals.. not sure of the result something like 47-23. They were very rough again, every week I think the other teams are extremely tough, I'm sure we're not as rough as most of the other teams. I can't stand being pushed around but I'll hold my ground if need be.

My food's been good the last few days, I love porridge, I have a really simple recipe:
1/2 cup oats
1/2 cup water
1 scoop vanilla protein powder
so yummy :)

Trying to get used to eating protein etc at meal 2, meal 3 and meal 4. If anyone could give me some hints on how to be creative etc with these three meal I'd really appreciate it. Meal 5 is quite easy, we usually eat pretty well anyway.

Off to do the dishes and put some washing in the dryer and clothes line, it's so cold here, I don't think the washing will dry if I put it out tomorrow.

1 comment:

Miss Positive said...

Congrats on your netball win!! Love that muscle soreness... you cant beat it.

I love my oats for brekkie too! I use the same recipe as you, but I add a spoonfull of diet strawberry jam... mmmm mmmm! Totally yum!

Meal ideas: cottage cheese on rice cakes, protein shake + fruit, chicken salad + cold potato, 1/2 cup of rice + stir fried chicken & veges, chicken rissoles + salad, protein bar (if you're allowed them!) chicken and veg soup...

have you seen Sue's receipe document? heaps of ideas on there!

Hilary xx