Monday, July 10, 2006

Heart Attack!!

Thank God...
Found it;)))


SeLiNa said...

Lol!! Glad you found your blog again... blogger does bizarre things sometimes!!!
I've just caught up on all your posts... Your netball team sounds like a team i would NOT want to play!!! You seem to thrash everyone!!! hehe I'm usually on the other end of that, and it's not always enjoyable! LoL I'm a Centre so at least we wouldn't be against each other ;) hehe

My fave snack including protein, other than oats or rice cakes with cottage cheese is my apple and cottage cheese. I mix splenda and/or diet strawberry jam into the cottage cheese, cut my apple up into little slices, and use it as a dip. It's sooooo ymmo, I've been having this for months, and will forever I think!

Glad to see you "pumped up and passionate"!!! And I feel for you with the sore bod... it does get easier!!!


Bec said...

Hi there, it is so nice seeing someone else following the 12 week challenge. We can definitely insprire each other. By the time I am a few weeks into mine, you will be finshed! How exciting for you. How are you finding the program so far? I haven't got mine yet.

Like you, I also find it hard incorporating protein into my diet. I have protein drinks and am not really into the flavoured ones. I have a neutral flavour with water and diet cordial, which tastes ok.

Rebecca :)