Sunday, May 20, 2007

Still mending

My back and I are still on the mending path. I have had acupuncture 3 times now in the past week, I think today was definitely the most painful, but I have been told that's good! It means the needle penetrated the problem bit of muscle or better known as a knot! But apparently there is no such thing as a knot, the muscle is connected at both ends so it can't knot, but it feels like a knot so therefore it has been given the name 'knot'. It is always a learning experience asking questions while getting a treatment done. Like a few years ago I said to my Osteopath "my necks out", he said "your neck can't be out, you'd be in big trouble if it is"... so I'm learning something new each day.

I'm still not training or playing as yet, but my back is about 85% at the moment. You should have heard all the cracking my body did after my treatment today, my friend always finished off with stretches, she's really good! Unfortunately she won't take much money, but I try to give her some anyway.

I think I play for the next 5 games and that will be it. There will be 3 hard and 4 easy games to go. In the middle of that there are 2 weekends off (1 bye and the Queens Birthday break) I am going to finish off in the last week of the school holidays, My Mum is coming up for my birthday and I would like her to be able to watch me play. She hasn't been able to do that for 5 years, and I think I am a much better player now. However saying all that I am not going to rush buck and if it is at all uncomfortable I won't play and I'll pull the pin. I do think this will be it for netball, I can't imagine there would be a comp in China!

This week I had another big run in with the naughty child in my room. I was almost in tears when I walked in to my Principal and said you have to either suspend him or I'm going on stress leave cause I'm not coping. For me, if you do the wrong thing, there has to be a consequence... apparently not for everyone. Luckily later that day he graffiti'd all over the school buildings with washable black texta!!!!!! So he was suspended finally. Less that 30 days to go...

At the moment I am planning on going to watch the INBA figure comp in Melbourne in July. If you are planning on going it would be great to meet up :)

Cheers everyone


SeLiNa said...

HOpe it's getting better-er Kelly! (I love that 'word')!!!
Have a great weekend

Bec said...

Hey Kelly,

I hope that your back is feeling better. It sounds like you have been in the wars lately, you poor thing.

I am so glad to hear about the naughty chil though. One less stress for you.

Have a great weekend