Monday, July 31, 2006

Much Better today

Just thought I'd report... much better today.
M1 - Porridge and choc protein powder
M2 - Yogurt and 2 small mandarins
M3 - Wholemeal salad sandwich with chicken breast pieces.
M4 - Protein shake and 3 large strawberries
M5 - White fish and green veggies, two double 'd' minties
Exercise - Back, Chest, Shoulders and tredmill, 3 incline for 15mins after weights.
Just watching the Big Brother finale, BF is making stir-fry for lunches this week, (training him well! lol) Went and got some more protein powder, vanilla and strawberry for a change. I also got a calcium and echinacea supplement.


Bec said...

Hi Kelly,

Well done on eating so well. It sure sounds as though you had an eventful weekend. It can be so hard when you have everything planned and then it all falls apart in front of you. It is bound to happen to us all. At least you can move on now :) Plus you lost weight with the interim program so that is a bonus!! You are doing really well.

I am back on track this week too, but am finding the 5am starts a bit hard at times. I would just love to sleep in a bit longer instead of pounding the treadmill!

Well chat soon
Rebecca :)

Cat said...

Well done Kelly. Getting back on the wagon after eating the wrong things has always been one of my biggest issues. Go you for getting right back on track & congratulations on making it through the next part of the interview process!

Keep going girl!

Miss Positive said...

Kelly good on you for dusting yourself off and getting straight back into it. Just put it behind you and move on.

This used to happen to me, and I think the most important thing that I learned is that I needed to be more prepared!! If you buy a cooler bag and take your own food - you dont have to rely on anyone else!! :)

Enjoy your new protein powder - I love it when you get a new flavour!

Hilary xx