Sunday, July 23, 2006


Here I am on Sunday, million things to do... Procrastinating!!!

Here is a picture of one unfinished garden bed. I need to put something in it to add privacy our our bedroom behind it.

A finished garden bed with 30 daffodil bulbs, a flowering plant and mondo grass...
Another nearly finished garden bed, all I need to add is mulch.
Our 'rubbish tip' garden bed. We need to go to the tip before we attempt this one, you can see the pile of rubbish at the back of the photo. Believe me... it is much bigger than it looks, being at the bottom of the slope is quite slimming!!!Our unfinished 'backyard'. Starting to do this, I think we'll have to wait until footy season is over to do too much to it. Just putting a tap in next to the shed. You can see the jungle of weeds near the shed.
Here is a picture of the 6 loads of washing I must fold before the day is out, as well as the shopping I must do, the floor I must vacuum and mop before a BBQ tonight as...

My Boyfreind goes out for a ride on his...

wouldn't you love to be male right about now????



1 comment:

Miss Positive said...

Ah boys and their toys!! Dontcha just love it!!

Sounds like you've got lots of work to do... hope you enjoy gardening!

Hilary xx