Tuesday, July 25, 2006

Week 1 Day 2

Ok I'm feeling a little guilty already. So far
Meal 1 - Porridge and cottage cheese
Meal 2 - Half low carb protein bar
Meal 3 - This is my mistake... 5 rice biscuits with avocado dip! and my wholemeal salad sandwich with 100g boiled childen breast.

A friend of mine a work made a platter to celebrate my brithday. I couldn't say no, I didn't want to be rude. I'll work extra hard at RPM tonight I promise!!!


Bec said...

Don't worry about the platter, one small treat on your b'day in the whole scheme of the 12 weeks won't matter at all. Just start fresh tomorrow. I mean, it is only your b'day once a year!

Are you allowed carbs at morning and avo tea? I am only allowed it at morning tea, but avo tea is protein only. I am finding this tough.

Enjoy your night!
Rebecca :)

Miss Positive said...

Happy Birthday Kelly!!!

Hope you enjoyed your day.

Hilary xx