Sunday, February 18, 2007

Home truths...

I've decided to get real and divulge some home truths about myself. A lot will already be known, some will be new.
  1. I have high cholesterol (7.1)
  2. I am a skinny fat girl! (read this on the WH&F forum) 60.7kg/29.8%BF
  3. I rarely follow through on anything.
  4. I exercise once a week, Dru yoga and it is only stretching
  5. I have high stress levels/I possibly even have depression (not diagnosed)
  6. I have pain with my menstrual cycle/endometriosis/and pain during ovulation
  7. My thyroid is low and liver levels high
  8. I am internet obsessed. I've been on the damn thing for near 3 hours already today
  9. Although tired... I find it hard to sleep due to stress issues
  10. I really don't like my job much. My patience is dwindling
  11. My relationship with my BF has been in trouble for over a month, we trying to work through it. I do love him dearly.
  12. I still eat protein/carbs for brekkie but eat pretty crap for the rest of the day
  13. I don't feel good about myself
  14. I miss my family in Traralgon, but I love my family here in Wodonga

I need to make some pretty big decisions about my life, because I'm not happy. I know a combination of exercise/diet/naturapath can help to deal with 10/14 of my life's major issues. The other 3... will need soul searching and life changes.

Will keep you posted.


jodie said...

Hi Kelly, I found counselling helped me for a few things, but mainly it helped me sort out the priorities in my life - maybe you should seek out someone to talk things through.


Anonymous said...

Oh hon! I can totally relate to alot of things on your list! You are right though, only you can change things! As Jodie said, it may be an idea to talk to someone? It can only help, right!?
Focus on why you want to change and the positive things in your life and go to the doctor about your stress levels and depression. This is something I know you need to take seriously!!
Big hugs,

K xx

Pip said...

Am looking forward to hearing how things work for you Kelly.

Am wishing you all the best of luck, heres to you making some powerful positive decisions!
