Sunday, April 29, 2007

And the heavens opened...

Wowwwie.... my cats are scared to go outside.... and the scary thing would be.... rain!!! what is that again?!! :)

How lovely is it to lay in bed and hear the pitter-patter of rain on the roof? I grew up living in a house with a colour bond tin roof and nothing tops that sounds, well maybe silence after a full on day with 20x5 year olds is nice as well!

How has the rest of the week gone? Well I had a very heated argument with the parent of the naughty boy from my previous post. I have eaten very yummy food the in past few days, I have made 99% fat free chochie muffins, I made minestrone soup, and we had beautiful Thai food last night, we had satay skewers for an entree, Kane had masman beef curry and I had prawn pad thai, though we do share :) Kanes Mum came to visit and she mad made us a yummy apple pie, so I made golden syrup dumplings as well as some egg custard. So gourmet food all round. Though the surprising thing is... I lost .5kg this week and it is almost TTOM which means I'm getting pimples :(((. Who knows what is going on (hormones I guess)???

I visited the dentist for the 4 time in the past 12 months on Friday. I have a crack in one of my molars under the tooth, so the crack is in the root, so every now and then it hurts. One day I could be munching on an apple - all good, the next day I might soft cooked chicken and I get shooting pain. It all very frustrating. To make it worse everytime it gets to me and I make an appointment to go and get it looked at, its a 'good' day ad not playing up!!!! Huh.. frustrating. I feel like a sook. So now I need to call on the day it hurts and they will fit me in even if it's busy because it is too bloody elusive! Option are to get rid of the filling and put some stuff in to sedate the nerve a bit???!!! and the other option is to take the filling out band it and try to reshape it to take less pressure when I'm eating. I just glad I don't have to have root canal and a crown, which is really expensive and it'd hurt a lot.

I played netball yesterday, we won. I got an elbow to the chin and my lip went numb like at the dentist for about 5 mins, t'was very unsettling. I was really pissed off though, one the new girls to our team just was not listening yesterday and kept doing stoopid passes and kept stuffing up. I was on fire and was reading the play well, so I was trying to dictate play a bit and set up in the goals, but she wasn't listening and kept missing great opportunities for a set up. huhhhhh!!! Was shity afterwards and then Kane lost in the footy. I got in the best which is good considering I was off for 1 and a half quarters. I think I am getting my period and mentioned above.

Alrighty off to cook some rice, I've made curried sausages in the crock pot and it will be nice served with veggies.


Wednesday, April 25, 2007

Anzac Day

Hi everyone.
Today was ANZAC day and I went down to the 11.00 service. There were so many people there for the Wodonga service today which was great, I even got a tear in my eyes watching the WW2 diggers walking past. It is great to see more and more attending Anzac services and I hope this trend continues. Thankyou to the Australian army past and present for all that you do for us, and I'm sure they do a lot more than what we are allowed to know :)

OK -
Yesterday was one of the worst days I have ever had with a particular child in my class, I have never been so friggin angry/frustrated with a child before and I was so close to loosing it yesterday. This particular child has been extremely difficult all year and I'll name him X. X did not get to go on our excursion to the park yesterday because he did not bring his permission note back to school, I asked him for his note every day. After the rest of the class and I got back to school from the park, we went out to playground to have a play, another child did a flip on the monkey bars and accidentally got X with his foot. So X punched and kicked the other child and he fell and hit his head. I went a got X and made him have timeout on the seat next to me. After 5 mins I asked all the children to come inside, X cracked it because he did not get to go on the playground (wonder why????) So he latched onto the wooden seats and tried to grab every pole as I dragged him back to the classroom. I asked him to sit on the floor in our room, when he refused a had to take him next door to a buddy time-out room. While in that room he burped in that teachers face and laughed! When she yelled at him over it he did it another 2 times. He tried to destroy her library area and tried to run out of the room 3 times. It took him 35 mins to calm down and apologise to the poor child who he'd assaulted outside in the playground.
After recess we came inside and packed our bags and had show and tell. X started deliberately burping and farting using his mouth and hand and flinging his arms around. I had to pick him up to remove him to the time out spot. He didn't like that, so he started to crawl under a free standing whiteboard on wheels to play with the doll house. I had to pull him back out and he knocked his head and started crying, then the department nurse walked in to talk to the kids and about the hearing test/vision test she'll be doing on Thursday, he started farting with his hand again. I had to hold his hands and then he bit me. I sent a card to the principal for immediate help at this stage. Anyway he ran out of the room not once but three times as people brought him back each time. I had to leave during this to go to the Gyno appointment that got cancelled last week. After school X's sister came up to school to complain because X did not get to go on the excursion and she couldn't understand that it is X's responsibility to give the teacher the note. Apparently it was in his bag all along, but I am not allowed to go through students bags. This sister could not understand that I didn't get the note out of his bag for him because "he is only little." That one statement alone tells me why this 5 year old child behaves the way he does. He is the only male child in a single mother Chinese family and he is spoilt/babied!
I was furious last night, I couldn't sleep and I don't know what I am going to do with him tomorrow.

Luckily I don't have to have another operation to get my endometriosis burnt off.
So today I have been thoroughly binge eating to make myself feel better, I know this doesn't work but I still did it. I am off to netball training soon and I think I'll feel shit running around with so much rich crap in my belly.

I was bored this arvo (hence eating crap) and I took some photos of myself. I'll try and post these as well.

Bye everyone, This is my vent for the day.

Thursday, April 19, 2007

Go Chris!

I think I am in the minority, but go Chris on TBL. I feel sorry for him, they are all so cold towards him. Yes, he is young and probably didn't make a great first impression with his talk of winning, but come on it's a game (and not the only one to talk about winning). I think everyone has seen him as a huge threat. He has grown in the house, and I can definitely see that he has matured during the past few weeks. No matter how much I like Chris I think his chances of winning are slim, he doesn't have too much weight to lose, and with strength training... I hope you know what I'm talking about , but the ratios don't add up! Unless he cardios and becomes a skeleton.
Anyway that's me going on about Chris.

I'm still not feeling too well, it is definitely a head cold, last night I needed 2 nurofen and 2 panadeine forte to play 30 mins of netball (I got told to try to sweat it out... didn't work!). I'm really stuffy in the head and nose/throat, not in the chest luckily.

I had my specialist appointment today, so I took half the day off from work. I went shopping before my 2.00 appointment as the house cleaner was coming to clean the house. The surgery rang to inform me that the doc had to go to the hospital to perform 2 emergency cesareans. Therefore I had half a day off from work for nothing. My appointment is now scheduled for next Tuesday.

With my spare time today (tongue in cheek ;) ) I went shopping of some 70's clothes. There is 70's theme night at the footy club with weekend. I brought a paddy's day colour green dress that looks as though it comes straight from the 70's, a pair of grape colour wet look platform boots and a grape/green belt. It should come together really well. The only problem is my boobs! I have 14C/12D breasts and the dress is a size 10!!!!! They kinda pop out! I may have to wear a singlet top underneath.

BF is at footy training tonight so I have some spare time, LOST is going so slow now (I'm changing subjects again) Desmond... work out what is going on becasue the show is dragging on!!!!

I had a yummy tea tonight, its a tomato tuna casserole, I'll share.

Kelly's Tomato Tuna Casserole

1 medium tin of tuna in spring water drained
1 can tomato soup
2 celery sticks diced
1 small onion diced
1 1/2 cups dry pasta
2 tbls Worcestershire sauce

Drain the tuna. Dice the onion/celery and add a little water. Microwave onion and celery in the microwave until the onion is transparent. Cook the pasta until soft.
Add tomato soup, tuna, onion, celery, Worcestershire sauce and pepper and mix gently in the saucepan. Put mixture in a baking dish, sprinkle with cheese and put into the oven for 25 mins on 180 degrees.

I can't tell you the nutritional details as its a home made recipe! It is yummy and I serve it with frozen (cooked) veggies or a side salad. Enjoy.

Have a great weekend everyone,

Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Started Netball - Yay!!!

Netball started on Saturday and we beat one of the stronger teams from last years comp 29-40. We have started to wear those Lycra dresses and they look awesome. (Lucky I'm one of the thinner players though!) I was very tired afterwards, a combination of lack of fitness and the heat/sun. I think this exertion ;) helped to bring on the following...

Over this sickness business big time. I have spent the whole day in bed today with a head cold that hit me on Sunday. I think I mentioned BF had a cold and I expected to catch it well....... I did! I battled through work yesterday so that I got my holiday pay, but today there was no chance. Feel as though my whole head is swollen, the puffy eyes are the worst and to make it worse, I can't get into the doctors for a medical certificate because they are booked out until Thursday, so whether I feel better or not it's back to work tomorrow. I just sent BF to the Chemist to buy some nose spray and I got some cold &flu tablets this morning, but I've also got some panadene forte if I need it, just gotta battle through it.

I took this photo during a practice match when I had gastro two weeks ago, so I'm not in it. But... I thought it was a lovely sunset shot. My team is wearing the white bibs.

Welcome to some newer bloggers and welcome back to K!
See ya

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

Busy Long Weekend

Sick of being sick!
I've been feeling under the weather the past two-ish weeks. I had a fair break from netty with gastro etc, but last Thursday was the clincher! I'd had a headache in my right eye for several days and so on Thursday last I made an appointment to go see the doc. I have had women's trouble for years now, which seemed to have be corrected with surgery two years ago, no no, says the body of late! Terrible pain, irregular and spotting as well as affecting the bedroom fun! (Sorry) So I'm going to the gyno next Thursday so I can get this sorted before OS in August.
But I also mentioned my eye and that the back of my neck was a little stiff as well. She said to rest a little and it should get better, probably a little stress. This headache spread as the day went on, so I thought, lets get some fresh air, so off for a power walk with the boy. I got home and decided to have a bath to relax, buy the time I got out of the bath it was thumping. Off to bed I went with some panadol. I woke at 2.30 and had some asplagin (codine and aspirin) and then woke again at 4.30, this time I had some tramol, (this make my drowsy and dizzy). Almost got Kane to take me to the hospital at this stage. I got out of bed at 10am and felt shit. I asked Kane to take me to the hospital and threw up in the car on the way, (lucky I had a bucket!) They took me straight in although there were others in the waiting area. Whacked a drip in gave me some morphine and were going to do a spinal tap for viral meningitis, like what Kane had. Anyway the big ED doc decided against this as it could make my headache worse. So by 5pm I was feeling a little better, but exhausted. It was either meningitis or a migraine, I still don't know. I was pretty pale for a few days after.

My Mum was coming up to stay from Traralgon. But because I could be contagious she wouldn't come near me, (she is caring for my sick Grandparents). So this Easter was not what it was supposed to be.

I woke up this morning and went for a run, but I am exhausted from it. Probably not quite ready for that, so an early night is on the cards tonight. I went and had micro-dermabraision done at the beautician to try and help with some break outs, but I think they are more a hormonal problem rather than anything else. I feels like you are being sand blasted if anyone is wondering. It's a busy week although I have still got a weeks holiday to go. Goes something like this:
Today - Micro-dermabraision, house evaluation (to see haw much all our reno's have increased it's price) and optomitrist appointment to get my eye's checked as there is still pain in my right eye from either the migraine or meningitis.
Tomorrow -de-fuzzing, and the man in coming to discuss the transportation of our belongings to China and a light netball training
Thursday - new hair-do and netball training/introduction at Eskdale.
Friday is free at this stage
Saturday - First game of the season.

I am hoping this sickness has passed now, but I wouldn't hold my breath... Kane is coming down with something, (he's quite a sook when he is sick!), so I'm laying into some echinacea and garlic a couple of times a day:) .

See you later everyone, there are some wonderful transformation photos coming up on various blogs at the moment... well done girls.

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Happy Easter

I hope everyone has a lovely and safe Easter break.

I hope the Easter bunny drops by...

Myself, Laura and Tricia at the Mitta Muster Labour Day weekend. Was very drunk!!!