Thursday, May 31, 2007

Each player starts with 7 random facts/habits about themselves. People who are tagged need to write on their own blog about their seven things, as well as these rules. You need to choose 7 people to get tagged and list their names. Don’t forget to leave them a comment telling them that they have been tagged and to read your blog!

I think I might be one of the last to do this activity...

1. I was zone high jump champion in Year 7.

2. I don't like dogs very much, I hate being licked and hate the bruises they leave on you legs with their tail if it's hard and I hate the jumping and barking!

3. I'm a cat person.

4. My parents divorced when I was 6, my Dad was abusive. My Mum then had a boyfriend Peter for 5 years, they were about to get married when he died in a car accident. Mum then met another man who is now my step Dad but it took a lot of time for be to come around to him. My family went through a lot and I still don't want a relationship with my Dad, even though he has been trying. I had a lot of trust issues with men after all this in my teens and early 20's.

5. Kane is my first serious relationship, previously I had one 4 month relationship which ended when he cheated on me, it took a long time to get over it. And that is the reason I moved so far away from home.

6. I am addicted to picking things like pimples.

7. I am really want kids. Some people want to go overseas, get to a particular job level or own their home, my goal is to have children.

There you go, not sure if the above is what we are supposed to write but oh well!!!!! When reading through it, it sounds a little negative, oops.

I went to Body Combat tonight and I felt so unco! I think it will take a bit to get used to it.

1 comment:

little rene said...

We obviously have a lot in common Kelly!

My poor old toes and your picking pimple problem!

Actually I think picking at things is a real girl thing. All of my friends and I attack our husbands, and they all HATE it!

Never apologise for writing whatever you like on your blog. It's yours and you can say whatever you want or need to!

Have a great weekend xxx