Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Day 2 of being good

Wow, this is a change. I have been good for two whole days.

I woke up this morning at 5.30 for a 5-6km walk with my friend, we left while it was dark and the sun came up 25mins in. Got my heart rate up to 173bpm with the hills, with an average of 156bpm. I burnt 344 calories, whoo hoo! Came home and had brekkie and show and got ready for work. I'm feeling the early start now though...

Meals today -
M1 - Cottage cheese, oats and strawberry conserve porridge
M2 - Left over dinner - Beef stir-fry, rice and veg
M3 - Nuts
M4 - Found it hard to choose something I wanted here. I had three rice cake with avocado and a nut bar.
M5 - Low fat creamy tomato gluten free pasta with mushrooms and bacon.
Drinks - Organic low fat milk hot chocolate with M4

Looking at that I think I had too many fats today, even if they are good fats. I wonder if too many 'good' fats will still help to lower my cholesterol.

I've been getting this strange pain in my chest/abdominal area for the past four days. It is particularly worse when I am hungry. I thought it might have been indigestion, but it has not become better after three quick-eze chews. Might have to ask the natrapath about that one cause there is not way I'm going to pay $50 for the doc at this stage.

Kane goes on school camp tomorrow to an urbane camp in Melbourne so I am BF free for three days, twill be nice me thinks! :)


Monday, February 19, 2007


Hi everyone

Just letting you know I had a pretty good day today. Eats were pretty good, only one 'oops'!

M1 - Corn flakes and skim milk
M2 - Salad plate and two chicken strips, my 'oops' was 5 jubes from the class lolly jar, only because I had a few spare minutes before the bell went at the end of lunch! No excuse... I know!
M3 - Ducks nuts, an orange and two mini peaches (off my own tree)
M4 - 200g diet yoghurt (apple and rhubarb flavour, it's new and very nice) and some mini rice cakes (from health food isle at safeway)
M5 - Honey soy stir fry with veg and jasmine rice (this is lunch tomorrow as well)

I know it is far from perfect but pretty good for me at the moment. I still spent 2 hours on internet this arvo and 10 quick mins tonight (to write this). So I need to cut back on this.

I went to netball training, we did intervals, ball work and plyo lunges... oooh, I'm very weak in the quads inner thighs know, as well as a half court at the end. I've lost a lot of fitness.

I'm off to bed. I'm up at 5.45 tomorrow for a walk with my friend, we'll prob do 5km with a 1km run about mid-way... I'm building up!

Thanks for your comments ladies, it was a 'moment' to get real and stop pretending.

Kelly xxx

Sunday, February 18, 2007

Home truths...

I've decided to get real and divulge some home truths about myself. A lot will already be known, some will be new.
  1. I have high cholesterol (7.1)
  2. I am a skinny fat girl! (read this on the WH&F forum) 60.7kg/29.8%BF
  3. I rarely follow through on anything.
  4. I exercise once a week, Dru yoga and it is only stretching
  5. I have high stress levels/I possibly even have depression (not diagnosed)
  6. I have pain with my menstrual cycle/endometriosis/and pain during ovulation
  7. My thyroid is low and liver levels high
  8. I am internet obsessed. I've been on the damn thing for near 3 hours already today
  9. Although tired... I find it hard to sleep due to stress issues
  10. I really don't like my job much. My patience is dwindling
  11. My relationship with my BF has been in trouble for over a month, we trying to work through it. I do love him dearly.
  12. I still eat protein/carbs for brekkie but eat pretty crap for the rest of the day
  13. I don't feel good about myself
  14. I miss my family in Traralgon, but I love my family here in Wodonga

I need to make some pretty big decisions about my life, because I'm not happy. I know a combination of exercise/diet/naturapath can help to deal with 10/14 of my life's major issues. The other 3... will need soul searching and life changes.

Will keep you posted.

Sunday, February 11, 2007

My Week


Last week was very busy. I had a new student enrol on Monday and he has tipped my 'nice' class upside down. He turns 5 in April and so only just scraps in with his age. We are thinking about suggesting to his Mum that he goes back to pre-school because although he is academically able, he is very socially immature. English is his third language and he has been very naughty!!!!
I had my first class of yoga on Monday. It went for two hours. I am doing Dru Yoga with is mainly stretching, slow movements and relaxation techniques. I feel asleep during the meditation session at the end and slept really well that night and most of this week. I think the 'natural' pills/tonic from the naturopath is really helping to control my stress levels as well.
My cat got bitten by a black snake on Monday arvo. BF let her in a 4.00 after school. Around 6pm I noticed she really wasn't too steady on her feet. We rang the night vet at 8.30 and um-ed and ah-ed about taking her in, but it was $150 call out and although I love my cat I didn't think it was 'that' serious on Monday night. She was a little worse the next morning so I took her in at 10.15am. As soon as the vet saw her he said it was snake bite. So my baby Ali was in hospital for 3 nights/4 days on a drip. Luckily she did not need anti-venom as it alone costs between $480-$600 depending on the snake. All up it cost $418 and now she has to stay inside for a whole week. It is killing her already! My other cat has not stopped spitting and hissing at her since she came home and is still doing it 2 days later. I think he liked being the man of the house and having all the attention to himself. Ali just looks at him as if he is an absolute dickhead! I Don't blame her because that is what I'm thinking! Luckily it is not upsetting her.

Above is the arrogant little shit that is hissing at my beautiful baby below. Isn't she sweet... And I am very luck that she is still alive.

I went back to the doc about my cholesterol issue and she wants to try lowering it with diet.

So... choose lean meats - check, cut fat of all meat - check, choose low fat dairy products - check, no takeaway food (I only do this once a week at the most and we don't have pizza or any crap it might be some rice from the noodle box in Wodonga) No snack foods, well I rarely have these. So all in all I am already doing everything she wants me to do. The consultation took 5 minutes and they were going to sting me $50!!!!!! I did the sob story about waiting longer than I was even in the bloody room. At least she was probably running on time again after me! So they bulk-billed me!!!!! YES!!! What a lovely lady she was...

That's about it for the week, we are almost ready to have the concrete poured in the pergola area, so no more dirt and sand inside.. yayyyy! :)

Sunday, February 04, 2007

February already!!!!

Hello everyone.

It has been a hot couple of days this past week and it will continue to be as well I'm afraid. It's been in the high 30's so far, supposed to be up around 40 today and 39 for the next two days!

The start of the school year has good relatively well, a few issues, but nothing too major to share. I've got to do some planning work today so I know what I'm doing for the rest of the week with the kiddies.

I've done 1 load of washing, one is getting washed as I type and I have another load of whites to soak afterwards, (all going out onto the lawn as grey water). Even though it's a drought, Wodonga is only on level 1 water restrictions at the moment. I can't quite understand it! I think we must be nearly the only town in Victoria not on at least level 3 restrictions. We are allowed to water our garden every second day between 8pm-10pm and between 6am-8am. I've let the lawn die, but it's amazing how it comes up again with the grey water from the washing machine.

I went to netball training on Thursday night and it was pretty light going. It was still very hot though and I had a headache afterwards. I made sure I drank plenty of water before, during and after, but still running on asphalt is pretty hot.

I start yoga this Wednesday which will be nice, it will help to keep my stress-head at bay. I've been taking some supplements from the naturapath to help with my stress and I really think it is helping as well.

We went swimming last night out at Yackandandah, we took out some drinks and then went on a mini pub crawl, I was driving so i only managed 3 bourbons for the whole night. My BF was s**t-faced, I have some wonderful shots of him sitting in a bin cupboard in the TAB section at the pub!

I'm not sure if I mentioned a few posts back that I had to get some blood tests done to check cholesterol and other stuff. High cholesterol runs in my family and my Nan had open heart surgery in Dec as a complication of high cholesterol. Anyway, I have high cholesterol!!!! I am 26, I do exercise, I eat pretty well and I have a reading of 7.2!! It should be under 3. So I'm back to the doctor on Tuesday to find out what to do next. I've spoken to my naturapath and I think I'm going to try to control it with natural supplements and diet for 6 months and see if I can get it down. I don't know how this will go, hereditary high cholesterol can usually only be controlled by medication. My Mum tried to control hers with diet, she lost weight, but her cholesterol went up. The only thing that works for her is medication, it's the same with my Nan, my uncle and my Aunts!

OK, my 2nd load has finished, best put on the 3rd load of whites to soak,
