G'day everyone.
Life has been smooth sailing at the moment. We successfully had our birthday party last weekend. Everyone had great night at the Stanley Pub. The meal were terrific, service fantastic and the money over the bar was a big hit! Kane proceeded to get 'smashed' drunk, and he tried to tongue kiss several of his mates. I drove home which in a way wasn't a bad thing as I was feeling quite well the next day, the same can not be said for the other half!
I'm at Mums at the moment just relaxing. When driving from
Wodonga to
Traralgon I tend to come down with some kind of bug. Not sure why.... maybe the smog in the valley, some people put down to air con, or the stress of tiredness of it all. What exactly causes the sickness, I don't know! I had a massage on Monday and the lady played around with my neck, that could of contributed, my neck was quite stiff and sore afterwards particularly on the right side, which is funny... this year I have had right side soreness all over. Sciatic pain in my right hip, knee calf and ankle, soreness in my right ribs, tightness in my right
glutes and lower back and in my knee. All connected somehow, it must be!
So anyway my sore throat is still sore after resting for two days, it hurt to brush my hair today and phlegm is in back of throat, so I'm guessing I have sinus.
Sudafed and
nurofen seem to be helping. I went to the old
faithfull chiro today in
Traralgon (I hadn't seen him for 5 years), and he said I adjusted quite well and that the pain my neck should settle in 1 day or so. He also said the pain I have had in my ribs for the past 7 weeks (a la netball training!!!) could be a cracked rib or muscle injury, well
der! Apparently may take 6 months properly heal.
I bought Leo, my cat down to Mum's this week as he will be spending the next two years with Mum while I am OS. He is very
sloooooowly adjusting! The hissing and spitting are only occurring now within a 4 metre radius which is a vast improvement on the first few days. I had one highly stressed
puddy cat. I have been giving him 1/4 Valium (vet prescribed) to help calm him down occasionally, however I think this may only be affecting his mobility, he seems quite able to think mentally during this drugged state as the growling certainly does not cease.
I may be going to
Healesville tomorrow to start my trek to Melbourne, not that
T'gon is that far from
Melb, it's just easier to travel on the train from
Lilydale to
Camberwell than drive from
T'gon to
Camberwell (I hate driving in
Melb traffic) I have written down the address of the comp and where everyone is meeting for coffee so I only need to get there. I was waiting to see how this bug developed!
I am thinking of selling my car before I go OS. Doing some research today and I think I can still get around 11 grand for it. Not bad for a 7 year old car. We will see what develops there.
Cheers for now and good luck to
Shar who is competing in her first figure comp this weekend!