Friday, March 30, 2007

Trying week

These past few days have been very trying. On Tuesday night I started to get cramps after dinner, these kept up for most of Wednesday as well, around 5pm it went from slight and I mean slight cramps that I'd feel every ten minutes to OMG cramps. They started and within 2 minutes of immense pain the bottom end wasn't feeling too well. The cramps are still hanging around at the moment and so is the diarrhoea.

But that isn't the worst of it. BF Kane started to get a headache at school around 1pm. This progressively got worse and at 4pm he went home even though we had meetings. I got home around 5, (with said explosion!!) and he was in a bad way. A friend had driven me home as BF had taken the car to leave early. My friend gave him some strong headache tablets that she gets sent over from the US and he went and lay down. After about 2 hours I rang his sister- in-law who is an ED nurse from Albury and asked what we should do, she suggested more panadol and then if he still doesn't improve take him to the ED in Wodonga. He did improve slightly, but started to go down hill around 10.30 again. At 11pm we went to Wodonga ED, after initial discussion they thought he had a migraine, they were going to keep him in for a drip and some meds. Kane told me to go home to sleep and he'd call to pick him up, estimated time 2 hours.

I woke at 5am and I still hadn't had a phone call. After headache medication didn't work they did a spinal tap... he had viral meningitis!

So he has been in Hospital since Wed night and just came home this arvo. happily playing the PS2 :)

So the past week has been hard. Luckily it is school holidays though, I am exhausted and run down, with these cramps and diarrhoea, a cold sore (I haven't had cold sores for 5 years), and a pimple break out... I need the rest.

OK whinge done. I'm out for tea tonight with netball club, not that I feel like it much, but they are getting a bit ansy about not enough commitment from some people (hope it wasn't me). Practice match tomorrow, one on Monday and Wednesday next week.

Catch ya later,

Monday, March 26, 2007

I might have confused you :)

Sorry guys I should have explained more (doh).

The school is called Singapore International School, but it is actually in Suzhou with is 50 minutes train ride from Shanghai in China. So I'll be in China. The name is very confusing, but it has something to do with the Singapore Industrial Park that is in Suzhou, it was a joint venture between China and Singapore, so the school was built to teach Singaporean children 'Western/English education'. So I'll be living in China, but teaching what I teach now, with a Chinese teacher to help in the room, with hardly any behaviour problems, but with heaps of kids who still don't know how to speak English yet or have a different 1st language (ESL English as a 2nd Language).

It will be fun, but hard work!


Saturday, March 24, 2007

Almost Holidays

I've been looking through some blogs at the moment and Wednesday seemed to be a very popular day!!! I'm sitting here watching Rocky 2 and eating mixed M&M's (so very healthy of me!) I've had tuna casserole for lunch and a white chocolate mocha from Gloria Jeans... love it! My only good meal today has been protein pancakes with maple syrup.

I did a body combat class at the gym the other week, it was different, I felt so un-co!! :)
Had intended on going again this week, but it was my Aunts B'day. She has some depression issues and so I thought it best to go out with her. I will be attending the class next week for sure.

Netball is starting soon, I think I'll have to get serious about getting fit as it's only three weeks away.

Over Seas Update - We have accepted a job at Suzhou Singapore International School. I will be teaching Kindergarten (Victorian Prep). It is such a big step and so much needs to be organised. I think I need to allow myself to enjoy the whole process as I feel myself on the brink of panic/stress about it all.

My cleaner is coming Thursday this week, so that'll be nice. School holidays are beginning in 5 days, I am definitely looking forward to the 14 days off. 5-6 year olds are very tiring!


Saturday, March 10, 2007

I'm going to be in an ironwoman race!!

Hold the fort.............................. I'm going to be in an ironwomen race................. maybe!
We are heading up to Mitta for the Mitta Muster this arvo for some drinking tonight. Tomorrow is the muster and I am a standby partner. It's not your ordinary Iron Woman Race. It has log, wheelbarrow, sprint and sculling elements.... (WTF???? I haven't sculled a beer in 5 years) Anywhooooo, I'll give it a go.

Our Pergola is being varnished today, to give that wet look I was speaking about. I am going to get some black mulch to put in the walkways, dippy areas around the yard. This is to help with mowing etc.

De-hairing at 11.45 today. Why is it that males repeatedly ask for Brazilians???? I hate the bloody things, they get so itchy and the ingrown hairs????? My body does not like Brazilians, he'll have to put up with a normal bikini wax. 1/2 leg and underarms will be done also, I have look very hairy lately.

We got a job offer from OS this week. Quite a shock, it'd been so quiet of late that we didn't think we'd get anything. Therefore we were becoming quite content to hang around for the rest of the year. NOT NOW!!! Big decisions are to be made this weekend.... Will keep you posted once we make our big decision. TO BE OR NOT TO BE.............

Till then

Monday, March 05, 2007

Pergola nearly finished

Today we had the pergola concrete poured. I got a charcoal colour put into the concrete and they have also left some colour powder on top, I suppose this does something. It also has a 'rock' look stamp as well. It is not quite ready yet, it still needs to be acid cleaned and have a clear varnish put on as a top layer. Apparently to test what it will look like with the varnish layer on as well, just wet it. Well I wasn't going to wet my new concrete but there was a little left over to the side, with a little water... presto!!!! Exactly what I wanted, so what you see in the photos is not quite what it ill look like after the varnish. Anyway have a squizzzz....

Sunday, March 04, 2007

Pergola ready to rumble!

This is my pergola ready to be poured. Tomorrow morning at 7.30!!!!!!! Very excited!!!!!!!!

Friday, March 02, 2007

Extra Extra!

I tried to post these with the previous post but blogger didn't approve!This is the pre-concrete pergola. Very messy. You can see the grass growing in the fore-ground this is all from grey water from the washing machine only.This is facing towards the house from in front of our shed. Very messy. I have been living in this dirt for months!!!! Very over it!
This is my favourite garden area, the dirt you can see will soon be back much as the weeds love growing here. Look at how big my 'Elephants ears' are in the background This is why my washing always gets dirty, it has been dirt for at least two years. Only 3 days left!

So, so!

Things have improved in the past week mentally, I feel I am in a much better spot. I'm really liking my work at the moment, (as much as can be expected!)
I feel very dowdy though! Flabby! Yuck! But I'm sick of the BF telling me to at least try! I know this, but let me do it stop pushing or I'll become more stubborn and I won't do it. I'm still doing netball training on Monday nights and yoga on Wednesday, so it's not like I'm doing nothing. Food has been good, but still not good enough.
We are getting our pergola concreted on Monday this week. Preparation is happening tomorrow and it will be poured on Monday. I'm getting the carpet cleaned on Tuesday and getting rid of lots of stain from my off-white carpet. And hopefully I can get a cleaner to start next Friday! Yes I am getting a cleaner. During my challenge I always found a way to clean instead of exercise, because I am a procrastinator! Maybe this will help me to focus more and argue less with Kane (most of our arguments are about cleaning!) See you all around!

I am checking blogs daily, I just haven't been posting, Cheers